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Tip Top Lofts

637 Lake Shore Blvd W

Tip Top Lofts History





About the Loft - Tip Top Lofts in an art deco building designed originally by Max Dunning in 1929. It started life as a combined garment factory, warehouse and head office for Tip Top Tailors. Several years later, it was acquired by clothing conglomerate Dylex Ltd., which is now out of business.


About the Neighbourhood - Bathurst Quay is a relatively new neighbourhood that started to develop in the 1970s. Queen’s Quay was originally commercial in nature due to the many working piers along the waterfront; it has been extensively rebuilt in since the 1970s with parks, condominiums, retail, and institutional and cultural development.


637 Lake Shore Blvd W

Loft Type Hard
Status Completed
Built 2006
No. of Units 256
Storeys 10
Building Amenities

exercise room, sauna, party/meeting room, visitor parking, BBQs allowed